Tree Deva

Welcome to my new blog featuring information revealed during spiritual hypnosis sessions performed by Kathryn Ravenwood using the Wellpoint Hypnosis Method™.  I am excited to share this "soul wisdom" with you.  I hope you find these posts informational and even illuminating! To experience your own soul wisdom contact me for a Wellpoint Hypnosis Method™ session.  Details on my website:

Tree Deva - by Kathryn Ravenwood
…From a Wellpoint Hypnosis Method™ Session

The forest filled my senses. Primordial and sacred it welcomed me. Ancient trees, untouched and vibrantly alive, filled the pure and fresh air with their scents of cedar and pine, mingled with the richness of dirt and growing things. The forest floor, dense and deep, muffled all sounds but the breath of the trees. This is a Holy place. My heart opened completely to the vibrations of love and peace.  A sense of being in the presence of greatness humbled me.I looked further and discovered myself, not as an observer of this beauty, but as a part of it. My body, not quite human, glowed with ethereal light. I rose the full heights of the tallest trees and beyond. I felt and knew I was a part of each tree in this forest. 

“Who am I?”  The answer came to me - one of the Tree Devas of the Primordial Forest; a Keeper of Trees. My sense was this forest was of ancient Earth and I had been with it since its beginning; I was a part of its beginning. 

At first I doubted this revelation but quickly embraced it as my deep love of trees flashed through my memory. My spiritual awakening, oh so many years ago, had been with the great redwood trees of Big Sur, California. I surrendered to this vision. surrendered to the love. A sense of timeless joy and beauty filled me just to be with the majesty of the Ancient Trees.I felt a stirring in the energy, a disruption spreading through the trees causing alarm. Moving like a muddied river it crept through the forest bringing darkness and corruption with it. Looking for the source of this despair I saw the humans. Tiny little humans bringing with them an energy of not-love, not-wisdom, not-light. They were dressed as lumberjacks in big boots, plaid shirts, heavy pants and wielding their weapons of saws, axes, and fire. Do none of these strange creatures even know where they are? Can they not see the trees are alive and ancient Beings? Do they not feel the awe and beauty of this place? 

Sadly they do not.  They carry out their acts of destruction. I cannot bear to witness but I must. I cannot bear the pain but I must. I try to hold the energy of the place, to keep the blueprint vibration of its creation intact but as time passes and more of these humans come to desecrate and destroy I lose strength, I weaken.

Finally one lone lumberjack appears who suddenly sees me. Oh perhaps there is hope!  For a brief moment he sees and knows where he is, that he is on Sacred Ground. He stops and, for just that moment, glimpses the truth. He becomes larger - taller - and lifts up from the density of his human form into the lower realms of the trees. 

He sees!  Yes!  Look, dear human, look and know us!

But it frightens him and he cannot believe his vision. Shrinking back down he shrugs it off and, bewildered, continues with his human companions deeper and deeper into the forest to continue with their unimaginable, unspeakable deeds.

I cannot hold against this desecration much longer. I try and try but I am getting smaller, weaker, more dense, falling away from my Beloved Tree Beings. For times beyond measure  I held the energy of the Trees. That was my reason for Being.  But now it has become too heavy. The density and ignorance of the humans has permeated this place and has overcome the energy of the trees, of the forest, overriding and corrupting it.  I am so very sad; I feel it all slipping away from me.  I have never known sadness before.  I am overwhelmed with grief.  I cannot hold on much longer.Finally I slip down to the forest floor.  Surrendering, I am transformed into an earthen mound - covered with moss, ferns and tiny little tree saplings. But I am green, very green indeed, and within me is the wisdom, the beauty, the Light of the Ancient Ones.  I will protect this into eternity until it is safe for this wisdom and creation to come forth again. I hold the Divine Light within me. I am a Protector of the Trees but I could not hold against the invasion of the humans. I could not maintain the Divine Light energy of  my Deva form. But it is not lost; it has transformed into a great Sword of Light. Even as I sink into the earthen mound, the Light shines on. I will carry the Sword forever.Far into the future, there are humans who come to this place and see me as a sleeping warrior at rest, my hands grasped around the hilt of a great sword resting on my chest. I am not dead, just asleep.  I have become some kind of shrine for the future people, a “power place,” a mystery.  They do not know I am a Tree Deva.  

But for those who use their vision, if they look beyond the veil, maybe they will see the great sword rise up, shining with a brilliant light. As it expands they might see a giant primordial tree and know it is the great Tree of Life. Maybe they will see my Light, my Sword slowly spinning up through the trees that remain in this place and on each tip of each branch of every tree they will see all the needles turn into Light Swords, all spinning and expanding… absolutely shining.  

The trees remember their ancient beginnings. They remember the Devas and know all the history of this Earth and beyond. Each drop of rain, all the misted fog, the streams and ponds, rivers and oceans, all the Waters of the Universe hold the memories of all that has been. As the trees absorb this water into their roots they they also absorb and take up the memories within the water to hold them within their bodies as tree rings; each tree ring holding a library of the Earth’s stories. Every tree, every tree ring, each one holds the memories, the stories. They are our eternal witnesses rooting the wisdom of the Earth within them. For each tree that is destroyed, part of the library is gone from Earth. But within each of their bodies the Tree Deva is remembered and so I live on.

…Kathryn Ravenwood, May 5, 2019.  From a session in February, 2019.


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